Anderson Injury Lawyers

Anderson Injury Lawyers

610 6301 Gaston Ave Suite, Dallas, 75214 (469) 457-4711 Website

Opening hours (27 May - 2 Jun)

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  • Monday - Saturday: 24:00

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  • Sunday 2 June

  • Sunday 9 June

  • Sunday 16 June

  • Sunday 23 June


Company description

At Anderson Injury Lawyers, our seasoned Dallas personal injury attorneys are dedicated to securing rightful compensation for injury victims and their families across Texas. With decades of combined experience and a track record of recovering hundreds of millions, we handle a wide range of cases, including truck accidents, car accidents, wrongful death, and more. Facing unforeseen medical bills, lost income, and emotional distress, victims need swift and fair compensation. The justice system demands a personal injury claim for those harmed due to others' actions. Our firm, established in 2007, distinguishes itself with two board-certified personal injury attorneys, led by Mark A. Anderson, offering a rare level of expertise. What sets us apart is our contingency fee structure – no payment unless you recover compensation. We dedicate undivided attention to our clients, ensuring quality representation and maximum compensation. Unlike accepting an insurance company's low initial offer, our attorneys thoroughly evaluate each case. We provide free initial consultations, operating on a no-obligation, no-cost basis. Contact our Dallas, Texas, law firm at (817) 380-5910 for a hassle-free review, available 24/7, and visit our Fort Worth office for a complimentary consultation. Trust our experience to navigate the complexities of personal injury law and secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.